
李建勇, 龚继明*
中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所, 植物分子遗传国家重点实验室, 上海 200032

通信作者:龚继明;E-mail: jmgong@sibs.ac.cn;Tel: 021-54924036

摘 要:

硝酸根不仅是植物的主要氮源, 而且作为重要的信号分子, 在植物的生长发育及逆境响应过程中发挥了重要作用。 本文重点介绍了硝酸根作为信号分子在基因表达, 根系、叶片发育, 种子休眠以及逆境响应调控中作用机理的最新研究进 展。

关键词:硝酸根; 信号感受; 信号转导; 根系发育; 叶发育; 种子休眠; 逆境响应

收稿:2010-12-30   修定:2011-01-05

Nitrate Signal Sensing and Transduction in Higher Plants

LI Jian-Yong, GONG Ji-Ming*
National Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032, China

Corresponding author: GONG Ji-Ming; E-mail: jmgong@sibs.ac.cn; Tel: 021-54924036


Nitrate is the major nitrogen source from soil for higher plants, also serves as an important signal molecule that regulates plant growth, development and stress responses. This review focuses on the physiological and molecular mechanisms of nitrate signal to induction gene expression, regulate root architecture and leaf expansion, relieve seed dormacy, and regulate stress response.

Key words: nitrate; signal sensing; signal transduction; root architecture; leaf expansion; seed dormancy; stress response

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